SUBJECT: To Our Dear V India Family
Much has been said and reported about the challenges we are currently facing in India and though it saddens us that some people choose to believe the untruths perpetrated against us, we remain resilient and committed to the ideals of The V – both as a company and as a family.
Winston Churchill could not have stated it better when he said, “Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.”
This clearly enunciates our situation in India and the ones that came before. That is why, instead of wallowing in the negative publicity, I would like to encourage everyone in the family to focus on the good that will come out of it. Challenges such as this are designed to make us stronger and by extension, for us to learn how to value relationships more and evaluate those that only weigh us down.
By the same token, I would like to thank everyone who made the decision to stand by our side despite the difficulties of the past months. It hasn’t been easy, we know, but we are here to reassure you that our optimism and confidence of resolving this very, very soon is supported by our years of experience in doing our business with passion and integrity.
Those who have been with us long enough would know that The V is all about leadership by example. We are here to help aspiring entrepreneurs tap into their business potential. With enough guidance and training, we make leaders out of them and, in turn, they duplicate the process and develop leaders themselves. By doing this, we are changing lives one entrepreneur at a time. And we thank you for sharing this vision with us.
There is still a lot that we can do and we are counting on you to take on this journey with us. As we have committed ourselves to your success, we expect nothing less than 100% of your passion and commitment.
Yours in Service,
V Partner TG Kintanar
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